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"The best chef in the world won't do anything if he doesn't have good products"


An interview with Leslie Zhang, our meat supplier

Computer scientist, restaurant manager and butcher...

Leslie Zhang, CEO of Yi Sheng Heng Li, is an

experienced person. This Beijing man became an

important figure in the Chinese meat market, focusing

on the quality. If our steaks are so good, it's thanks

to him!

Leslie, who is Luxi? A friend?

Not exactly! Luxi is a large yellow cow, with a hump on its back, a bit like a Zebu. An interesting species, which we have raised since the beginning of our adventure. We have selected this species among the 12 major Chinese species for the quality of its meat and its robustness. For me, Luxi is the best of all cows.

From where did this interest for the meat market come? Is it a vocation?

Ah, ah, ah, no! First I did a degree in Information technology at Beijing University, a very virtual sector that has nothing to do with meat. And then, I ran a restaurant for 4 years, because I wanted a concrete experience. I love eating and talking about cuisine. In this restaurant, I realized how important the quality of the products is. Everything starts from there. The best chef in the world won't do anything if he doesn't have good products.

How do you ensure the flavor of your meat?

It's a question of method and control. We raise our cows with grains which is a food security guarantee in China. They go out every day in our fields in Shandong province, for 4 or 5 hours. They are followed by a veterinarian. We also control the slaughter, distribution, and storage. For example, I consider that it is very important to let meat from the fillet of beef rest for several days, between zero and four degrees before cooking it. If we do not, it will be too hard and not that tasty. I explain this to all my clients, especially those who are very busy. You have to take some time in order to achieve excellence...

How do you position your company?

Premium! Absolutely! With my partner, Mr. Su, we created this company in 2006. What for? Because the beef meat market was not at a very good level in China at that time. At the same time, more and more Chinese were interested in Western cuisine. So, there was an opportunity: develop this market and make it mature. 9 years later, I know that we were right. Hotels and restaurants that are looking for high quality meat and this demand keeps increasing year after year.

"The milk of happy animal gives a very superior cheese"


An interview with Liu Yang, cheesemaker in Beijing

A Chinese cheese maker? That is original. But Liu Yang, the famous

“fromager de Pékin” (Beijing cheese maker) assumes its status.

Every year, his production is growing, in volume and quality.

Today, it is the time of recognition: he collects medals and awards.

For him, a good cheese is firstly a matter of love and patience.

How does a Chinese man from Heilongjiang province become


I was in France, in Corsica, for my studies. I was following courses

of international business management. My neighbor in Corte was a

shepherd. He made his cheese himself. Watching him making the

cheese, tasting its products, I gradually fell in love. I love the

cheese taste, this meticulous craftsmanship, the old culture of

making a good cheese. For a year, I followed cheese production training in a Corsican agricultural college. I learned to make Sheep Tomme and the Brocciu Corse. It was a great adventure.

An adventure that you decided to continue in China?

I keep on learning the techniques and methods, first in France and then China. I studied many varieties of cheese, then I started making them. My French friends have tasted my first cheese and encouraged me to continue. Without them, I wouldn't be here. In 2009, I opened “Le fromager de Pékin” (The cheesemaker of Beijing), and since then, I grew slowly but surely.

What is the secret of a good cheese?

I'm not going to tell you all my secrets. But I can tell you that ripening is a decisive step in making a good cheese. Helping the cheese to age well, in a quiet and dark place, is the key to success. Another important point is the choice of ferments. These are the ones that will allow the transformation of milk into cheese. And then of course, it is important to rely on good breeding. I use milk of mountain goats. They are raised near the Dajue temple. For the cows, I rely on two small farms that raise their animals outdoors also. I am convinced the milk of happy animals gives a very superior cheese...

"The Foie Gras guy"

An interview with Jean-Thomas Papet

For Jean - Thomas Papet, the commercial Director of Rougié

in China, the foie gras that you find in the plates of O'Steak

is due to a long and meticulous work.

Tell us who is Rougié?

Rougié is an honorable and traditional French House that has

raised and produced ducks for more than a century. We

arrived in China in 2007. We provided the liver of the duck,

of course, but also the thighs, breasts, and offal.

Because, you know: everything is good from a duck!

How do you get an authentic foie gras?

First, it is important to choose a good duck. For us, the best duck is the Mulard: a mix between a male Muscovy duck and a female Beijing duck. The Mulard is a fat duck. Therefore, he has a big sized liver of very good texture. It is necessary to raise ducks outdoors and feed them with high corn feed. Finally, a talented chef can make a good foie gras. These three conditions are not always easy to fulfill since a good foie gras is a piece of art!

How do you guarantee the quality of your products?

We have our own farm in China. It allows us to control the breeding and slaughter, and to ensure strict health monitoring of all our ducks by a veterinarian. To offer quality products and at the same time ones that are very tasty has become a major asset in China. That is why most of the high-class hotels and restaurants decided to choose us. The more demanding they are, like O’Steak, the better!

Do you have any advice for the seasoning of foie gras?

The Foie Gras has the advantage of being an easy to link too many ingredients, spices, and condiments. That is why it is consumed in so many countries and it delights the taste buds of so many consumers!

My favorites:

-In Terrine: served with pulp or zest citrus (lime, grapefruit, yuzu)

-Panned: served with roasted figs

O'Steak Xingfu - 北京市朝阳区幸福村中路55-7杰座大厦底商 - 55-7 Jiezuo Dasha, Xingfucun Zhonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing

O'Steak Shunyi - 北京市顺义区后沙峪安泰大街9号,祥云小镇南门,11号楼102 - 11-102 Shine Hills, 9 Antai Avenue, Shunyi District, Beijing

O’Steak Taipei - 台北市大安區金華街16416 -  No.6, Alley 1, Lane164, Jinhua St, Da'an District, Taipei City 106

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